Place born
Organisation / Person
1876-1958, poster artist; illustrator, British

Dexter, Walter

1876 - 1958

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1876-1965, locomotive engineer and railway administrator, British

Stanier, Sir William Arthur

1876 - 1965

1875-1949, aeronautical engineer; philosopher; author, British

Dunne, John William

1875 - 1949

1875-1969, meteorological, aviation & surveying instrument manufacturer, London, England

Short and Mason Limited

1875 - 1969

1876-1953, printmaker; draughtsman, British; Scottish

Bone, Sir Muirhead

1876 - 1953

1875-1945, inventor active in cinematography, Polish

Proszynski, Kazimierz

1875 - 1945

1875-1989, shipping company, Netherlands

Zeeland Steamship Company

1875 - 1989

1876-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Penarth Extension Railway

1876 - 1922

active 1875-1993, psychiatric hospital, Chartham, England

Kent County Mental Hospital

1875 - 1993

1876-1961, writer on golf, British

Darwin, Bernard Richard Meirion

1876 - 1961

1876-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway

1876 - 1922

1875-1879, railway company, Isle of Wight

Isle of Wight (Newport Junction) Railway

1875 - 1879

1875-1968, physiologist and pharmacologist, British; English

Dale, Sir Henry Hallett

1875 - 1968

Gresley, Sir Nigel (1876-1941), engineer

1876 - 1941

Young, Edith Mary

1875 - 1945

Whyte, Adam Gowans

1875 - 1950

1875-1914, textiles manufacturing firm, Scottish, Scotland

Alexander Morton and Company

1875 - 1914

1876-c.1975, engineering company, Manchester

Royles Ltd.

1876 - 1975

1876-1972, chronophotographer, inventor, Irish born; British; French

Bull, Lucien

1876 - 1972

1876-1929, manufacturer of pharmaceutical preparations,Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Scott and Turner Limited

1876 - 1929

1875-1961, artist; painter; poster artist, British

Oppenheimer, Charles

1875 - 1961

1876-1965, poster artist; artist; painter; marine painter; draughtsman; etcher; author, English

Mason, Frank Henry

1876 - 1965

1876-1955, poster artist, British

Cox, Elijah Albert

1876 - 1955

1876-1941, artist, British

Eves, Reginald G

1876 - 1941

1875-1950, medallist; sculptor, German

Goetz, Karl

1875 - 1950

1875-1942, poster artist; painter; illustrator, British

Clark, Christopher

1875 - 1942

1875-1934, reigned 1909-1934, King of the Belgians

Albert I of Belgium

1875 - 1934

1875-1964, astronomer

Edney, D.J.R.

1875 - 1964

silversmiths, Sheffield

W S Savage and Company

1876 - 1929

1875-1938, captain; photographer, British

Alston, R S

1875 - 1938

1875-1951, automotive engineer, Austrian

Porsche, Ferdinand

1875 - 1951

inventor, cinematographer; 1876-1934; USA

Kelley, William Van Doren

1876 - 1934

1876-1953, railway company, Ireland

Great Northern Railway, Ireland

1876 - 1953

1876-1987, manufacturer, Leeds


1876 - 1987

1876-1947, miniature railway engineer, British

Greenly, Henry

1876 - 1947

1875-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Llanelli & Mynydd Mawr Railway

1875 - 1922

1878-1924, railway company, United Kingdom

Ballycastle Railway

1812 - 1924

1876-1899, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Golden Valley Railway

1876 - 1899

1876-1906, railway company, United Kingdom

Halesowen Railway

1876 - 1906

Alston, R.S.

1875 - 1938

Kay, Fred Lawton

1811 - 1969

Dunne, John William

1875 - 1949

Feuerheerd, Ernest Matthias Adalbert

1876 - 1948

Maudslay, Cyril Charles

1875 - 1962

Prandtl, Ludwig

1875 - 1953

Ross and Duncan

1876 - 1903

1897-1968, engineering and manufacturing: agricultural; marine; civil; and aeronautical, Norwich, Norfolk, England, British

Boulton and Paul Limited

1812 - 1968

1904-1964, manufacturer of x-ray machines, Kiel, Germany

Ernst Pohl Company

1876 - 1962

1875-1959, photographer, British

Adams, Marcus

1875 - 1959